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Spoken English

Spoken English

Being the professional language of the World, English communication skills have become as essential for the youngsters. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. They would be benefited from Urban Education Class Spoken English curriculum in

  • Learn to Speak English Fluently and Excel in their Career
  • Growing the Ability to Fix Common English Errors.
  • Able to Avoid making Common Pronunciation Mistakes.
  • Improving your Child’s ability to Articulation Skills and Create Long Sentences with complete Fluency

Read this to get an insight about our Spoken English service:

Group Discussion

To boost your public speaking ability


Enhance the skill of quick thinking & expressing opinions

Book Reading

Developing the practice of Book Reading


Tapping into creativity & unfolding original content

Points to be noted

Learn to speak English with confidence in this lesson. Do you feel shy or nervous speaking English? Learn to sound and feel more confident in your English!

    Coaching Time

    Coaching Time

    It depends your learning & prepare skill in exam.



    Your learning skill checking with Assessment.



    After you complete your course with exam.